November 29th, 2001: Neowolf 3D Engine Public Beta 0.1 released :) Check it out in the Files page or download it from
August 31st, 2001: ScriptedLight v1.1 released. Please update it and never use version 1.0, because it's not backwards compatible.
August 24th, 2001: A script, the ScriptedLight, is added in the new "Scripts" section.
August 15th, 2001: from now on this site is hosted by PlanetUnreal :D
August 10th, 2001: a new sections are added to the site: "Q & A". Visit now!
August 3rd, 2001: Lode's ExplodingWall Tutorial updated to version 1.1, check it out here.
August 2nd, 2001: site layout changed: now the site looks a little bit like UnrealEd :)
July 31st, 2001: Lode's All about Lighting Tutorial updated to version 1.4, check out the tutorial here and go to What's New? to see what has changed.
Copyright © 2000 - 2001, Lode Vandevenne