/* roco pointer example This example shows how you can use a pointer to go through consecutive variables */ /*set [0] 20*/ cin [0] set [1] 30 add [2] [0] [1] /*set variable2 to [0] + [1] (= 50)*/ set [3] 0 /*we'll use variable3 as a pointer, now we make it point to variable0*/ iout [[3]] /*output the value of variable0*/ cout 32 cout 43 cout 32 /*output " + "*/ inc [3] /*make our pointer point to variable1*/ iout [[3]] /*output the value of variable1*/ cout 32 cout 61 cout 32 /*output " = "*/ inc [3] /*make our pointer point to variable2*/ iout [[3]] /*output the value of variable2*/ ac