Lode's Unreal - ScriptedLight

ScriptedLight (v1.1): The ScriptedLight Allows you to dynamicly change LightBrightness, LightHue, LightSaturation, LightRadius, VolumeBrightness, VolumeFog, VolumeRadius, DrawScale, LightType and LightEffect during gameplay. These changes can be done by Waves(WAVE_Sinus, WAVE_DoubleSinus, WAVE_SawTooth, WAVE_Square, WAVE_AdvancedSquare, WAVE_Random or WAVE_Constant) or Keys(Up to 4 pre-defined combinations of settings), and all of this can be controlled by Triggers or by the Time. You have control over the speed, smoothness, amplitude, phase and much more of the Waves. And, with the ScriptedLight, you can make lights similar to the TriggerLight, but here the corona will be triggered on and off too! (the classic, official TriggerLight doesn't do this). A special effect is added: FX_TriggerFlickerOn, to simulate a tubelight that flickers before going on.

Download the ScriptedLight here. This zip file is 88 KB and includes the ScriptedLight.u file, a Demo Map and a Manual.

View the manual online here.


If you have version 1.0 of the ScriptedLight, please update to version 1.1 because it's not backwards compatible!


Copyright © 2000 - 2001, Lode Vandevenne